The Road To Eagle

Below are recommended plans & timelines for rank advancement – these deadlines are designed to help scouts manage their time effectively. Please note that notifications and reviews should be completed in a timely manner in order to be fully prepared. Scouts who have not followed the recommended preparation process may still sign-up for Test Boards in the week immediately preceding the Advancement Training Days, if space is available. Scouts and parents need to be aware that the prospect of a successful outcome is significantly diminished unless the scout follows the Scout Motto by ... Being Prepared. Downloading the Advancement Worksheet is a good place to start.


STAR & LIFE Advancement Timeline

Note: Star and Life test boards are scheduled on a first come, first served basis, subject to on available space. Priority will be determined based on the date your complete resume was submitted.

  • Upon becoming a 1st Class Scout, start and maintain a Scout Notebook, which documents in an organized manner your cumulative involvement as a leader in the troop.

  • 8 weeks before: Complete all requirements; request a sample of a Star/Life Resume from the SPL.

  • 7 weeks before: Prepare the first draft of your Star/Life Resume and update your Scout Notebook with all of the information on how you have accomplished your leadership position(s), your trip planning, Merit Badges earned, other awards, etc.

  • 6 weeks before: E-mail your resume to the current reviewer, with a copy to the Scoutmaster; make any revisions suggested by the reviewer and resubmit it.

  • 5 weeks before: Download your Advancement Worksheet. Start scheduling appointments for two reviews. One of these reviews should be with a permanent Test Board member (Mr. Killam or Mr. Balch).

  • 4 weeks before: Submit the approved final draft of your resume to the Scoutmaster and SPL; start securing signatures verifying your leadership accomplishment.

  • 3 weeks before: Complete your first review.

  • 2 weeks before: Complete your second review; if the reviewer is unable to give you a recommendation, be sure to concentrate your preparation in the area(s) suggested on your Advancement Worksheet.

  • 1 week before: Notify the SPL and Scoutmaster, if you definitely plan to go for a test board. Include in your email with whom you reviewed and whether you received a recommendation. Modify your resume as needed, and send a final version to the Scoutmaster.

IMPORTANT >> For assistance in knowing what items and information to assemble for your Star Binder & Resume, be sure to DOWNLOAD THIS STAR BINDER TIP SHEET and ask an older scout to review their’s! 

 EAGLE Advancement Timeline

Everything MUST be signed off by your 18th birthday!

  • 12 months before: Start planning your Eagle Project.

  • 11 months before: Meet with Scoutmaster and Eagle Scouts to understand the district timelines for Eagle Project approval, and other Eagle requirements. They will also provide other advice.

  • 10 months before: Start work on any Eagle-required merit badges you haven’t yet earned.

  • 6 months before: Complete your leadership requirements. Download the Eagle Application from the BSA website and begin working on it.

  • 4 months before: Complete all necessary merit badges.

  • 3 months before: Complete your Eagle Project. Schedule a conference with the Scoutmaster to be conducted after you have completed all requirements, including your Eagle Project write-up. Bring to that conference your Eagle Application, your completed project write-up, your statement of “Life’s Goals and Ambitions” and your resume of non-scouting accomplishments. Deliver reference letters to all of your references at least one month in advance and schedule a final conference with the Scoutmaster and the Troop Committee Chair.


The Path to Eagle

Eagle Project Notebook

Eagle Application

Other Eagle Links