Uniforms & Equipment

Image of Troop 658 Uniform Essentials

Troop Uniform Policy

For most events, Scouts and Leaders should wear the official Field Uniform (a.k.a. Class-A Uniform) consisting of official scout shirt, pants, troop hat, socks, belt, and troop neckerchief. Under the Field Uniform is worn our Troop’s Class-B t-shirt. For some events (conservation work, athletic participation, etc.), we also allow just the Activity Uniform (a.k.a. Class-B Uniform), consisting of our Class-B Troop t-Shirt, scout pants and scout hat to be worn.

Ready to suit up? See the “Where Do I Get The Uniform?” section below.

Don’t know where to sew all those patches on the uniform? Have no fear, just check out this Patch Location Guide! If you have any questions after that, ask your Patrol Leader.

Uniform Inspections:

Yes, we do them from time to time to insure our Scouts are on their toes and looking Scout-ship-shape. But don’t sweat it, want to be prepared? Take a look at our Scout Inspection Sheet.

Why Wear Uniforms?

The simple answer is … because it stands for something. The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed movement built on positive values and it’s uniform symbolizes character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Wearing the uniform encourages us to live by those principles. Scouts and Leaders alike should take pride in belonging to this program and wear the uniform correctly.

When boys participate in a team sport like football, baseball or soccer they’re required to be in uniform before participating in a game. Our Troop philosophy is the same – that every scout show pride in belonging to our “team,” and that they come uniformed, ready to “play.” Some other things that the uniform provides the Scout are …

  • Personal Equality & Respect – The uniform bonds people of different backgrounds (racial, economic, religious, national, ethnic, etc.) together in the Scouting tradition. It encourages not only group participation, but also a personal sense of identity and respect.

  • Identification – The uniform identifies scouts as a force for good in the community, helps build good unit spirit and attracts new members. Should your school allows it, we recommend your scout wear their uniform (either Field or Activity) to school on scout meeting days. This serves as one of our best recruitment tools.

  • Achievement – It acts as a walking display case for a scout’s individual accomplishments and recognitions. It allows your son to take visible pride in his achievements.

  • Personal commitment – The uniform is a constant reminder to all Scouts and adults of their commitment to the ideals and purpose of the Boy Scouts of America. It encourages them to take Scouting seriously because of the investment in uniforms. It is also a visible reminder of the scouts’ commitment to a belief in God, loyalty to country, and helping others at all times.


  • WHEN YOU JOIN THE TROOP - You will need to purchase the Troop 658 New Scout Bridging Kit. The kit contains a neckerchief, hat, one “Original” Class-B t-shirt, 658 numerals, and two shoulder epaulets. You can purchase the kit HERE.

  • CLASS-A UNIFORM - Can be purchased at the Cabrillo Scout Shop. It’s nice and close, right here in San Pedro @ 3000 Shoshonean Road, San Pedro CA 90731 (310) 832-7139

  • CLASS-B TROOP UNIFORM – Troop fleece, hoodies, as well as extra t-shirts & hats can be purchased from the Troop 658 Uniform Online Store.

  • TROOP “SLOP CHEST” / Uniform Exchange – We have a box of previously-owned uniform pieces available for Scouts and Leaders. Contact the Uniform Coordinator if you would like to take a look at what’s available. Used items from the Slop Chest are free to Scouts. If you have any uniform pieces that you’re not planning to keep as your Scout moves up through Scouting, please consider donating them back to the Troop.

  • SCOUTSTUFF.ORGYou can find everything here, but you’ll need to pay shipping.

  • EBAY, THIRFT SHOPS, ETC. – You can find great deals on lots of previously-owned items on E-Bay (or in Thrift Shops). But beware of patches that have been attached with the iron-on material. These leave a big mark on the uniform shirts when patches are taken off that can’t be removed.

  • A note regarding Troop T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Hats, Neckerchiefs and 658 “Single-Patch” Numerals: These items cannot be purchased at the Scout Shop and must be purchased from the Troop Uniform Coordinator.